Thursday, October 25, 2012

Two sculptures for a new life

The artist repeatedly uses forms to illustrate the concept of personal growth (particularly re-birth and self-renewal).
This monumental scale sculpture, entitled "Seedling" took 8 months of solid labor to create. It is carved from a 10,000 lb. block of Georgia Pink Marble (the artist's all-time favorite!). It measures 8' high x 4' wide x 3' thick. It is shown on a 2' high concrete footer that is a permanent fixture of the studio property (not included).
It has a polished outer form, with a frosted interior and frosted leaf veins. The artist also uses an alternate title of "Phoenix Flower", making reference to the recreation of the Phoenix from its ashes.
This sculpture has been SOLD!!!  It has been installed in the Robert T. Webb Sculpture Garden in Dalton, Georgia.
This sculpture is entitled "Revelation", but the artist also refers to this piece as "Princess". It is Indiana Limestone, measuring 51" high x 43" wide x 28" front-to-back, and weighs approximately 1,500 lbs.
It has polished leaves, a stippled inner array of forms and gently spiralling grooved forms that were made with a forked Italian pneumatic chisel. The base has a polished top with natural 'rock pitch' sides.!!!SOLD!!

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